Check out the On-Demand, Self-Paced Advance Your Finance and Accounting Career Course here - $97


A little information about me

My name is Stephen McLain. I am a United States Army-Retired Finance Officer who had over 21 years of active military service. I have worked as an Auditor, as a Budget Officer, in Resource Management, overseeing Finance Operations in Iraq and was a member of a team in the Pentagon that oversaw the development of the Army’s annual budget.

In the last few years, I have worked on Corporate Accounting and Finance teams both in a permanent role and as a Business Consultant.

My greatest strength is to coach leaders and teams to find clarity with their goals, improve communication, and implement better team work and collaboration. While serving in the Army, I had a great ability to turn poor performing organizations into successful ones.

I believe that leadership is about open communication, respect and positive influence. Leaders can get results while also developing the team with a growth mindset. My desire is to coach you, so you can become a better leader with great potential for advancement.

You can become a more confident leader by understanding yourself better, by changing your mindset and by achieving some successes (even small ones) in your organization.

Develop Your Leadership Skills

As an Accounting or Finance Professional, you want to develop your leadership skills. If you are not already leading a team, then you probably desire to be more prepared to lead in the future. Leadership focus areas I will discuss include:

  • build your confidence so you can lead more effectively,
  • develop your team members so they become empowered to act on your behalf,
  • increase your influence so you can advance to a Senior Leadership position in the future.

Please enjoy and apply what I post in my blog, so you can start improving your leadership skills today. Your drive to develop your leadership skills inspires me to create useful content. I am passionate about sharing effective tips and seeing you grow from a staff finance professional to manager and finally into a Senior Leader like Controller and Chief Financial Officer.



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